The mass arrests of peaceful protesters ahead of the coronation should raise the alarm about this Government's growing threats to our democratic freedoms
One feature of arrest is that people are removed from the streets for hours.
The next day they are told that they won’t be charged. So that’s alright say the media.
Yet it means people have had the right to protest denied at the moment it may be most effective.
As an anti-protest measure it is effective. The cooperation of the police with the objective of one party.
Republic say they cooperated with the police to make sure they (the police) were aware of what they were going to do.
Surely the lesson to other people is don’t tell the police. The risk of arrest is less.
One feature of arrest is that people are removed from the streets for hours.
The next day they are told that they won’t be charged. So that’s alright say the media.
Yet it means people have had the right to protest denied at the moment it may be most effective.
As an anti-protest measure it is effective. The cooperation of the police with the objective of one party.
Republic say they cooperated with the police to make sure they (the police) were aware of what they were going to do.
Surely the lesson to other people is don’t tell the police. The risk of arrest is less.